Identification |
Official Latin term | cavitas oris propria |
Official term | proper oral cavity |
Unit identifier | TAH:U2294 |
Unit type | single |
Materiality | immaterial |
Navigation |
Taxonomic definition |
Taxonomic definition | The proper oral cavity is a subdivision of oral cavity [divisio cavitatis ostii oralis ] which is the central part of the oral cavity behind the row of teeth. |
Partonomy |
TAH:E10200 |
human body
TAH:U2275 | |
TAH:U2276 | |
TAH:U2294 | proper oral cavity |
TAH:U2295 |
TAH:U2296 | |
TAH:U2440 | |
TAH:U2441 | |
TAH:U2298 | |
TAH:U2299 | |
TAH:U2300 |
TAH:U2301 |
TAH:U2302 | |
TAH:U2303 | |
TAH:U2304 |
TAH:U2305 | |
TAH:U2306 |
Total |
13 children
Taxonomy |
Date: 03.08.2023 |